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Det som blir kvar opening night 30.1.2025! Buy tickets


Guest play

Ajan säikeet

The performance explores time spans ranging from cosmological dimensions to world events and lived experiences in a single person's lifetime.

Performance schedule

30.4. at 7 PM, 2.5. at 3 PM and at 6.30 PM, 3.5. at 3 PM

Running time

ca 50 min, no intermission


Studio stage

A multilayered dance production that combines dance, poetry, music, audio material from news archives and scientific texts into a unique performance. The performance explores time spans ranging from cosmological dimensions to world events and lived experiences in a single person’s lifetime. It also celebrates Tuittila’s long career in dance.

Ticket prices


25 €


21 €

Seniors, students, unemployed

15 €

Production info

Koncept and choreography

Satu Tuittila

On stage

Satu Tuittila and Mari Agge

Sound design and music

Mikko Väärälä

Light design

Mari Agge

Costume- and visual design

Tuula Bergqvist


Pauliina Haasjoki

Dramaturgical consultation

Ville Kurki

Production assistent

Marika Leinonen-Vainio 

Graphical design

Kalle Kotila

Marketing images

Kari Vainio


Läntinen tanssin aluekeskus, Turun Teatterisäätiö, Åbo Svenska Teater